The head chief being fanned while watching the festivities |
The magic show |
After the magic show there was a series of performers. A few stood out to me. First one that stood out was this group of male dancers. The head dancer was this older man that looked to be between 65 - 70 years old. This man was awesome, he moved better then the rest. I was very impressed.
There was also some Swiss and French (I think) dancers. I was a bit surprise to see them perform. I thought it was only going to be local performers. Either way they were entertaining to watch. I must say they were pretty brave to perform along with the Togolese. And the last group of performers that stood out was the group of young girls. They were performing holding these calabashes. Apparently, all these girls are virgins, while dancing if someone dropped a calabash then they weren't really a virgin. I'm not sure if anything would happen if a girl dropped it but that's the myth. I didn't take many pictures of the girls performing started to feel like child porn to me. There was a lot of gyrating going on. I'm not a prude but these chicks are young and you could hear guys whistling. It was a bit much for me. However, the story behind the dancing was interesting. Anyway, I enjoyed the festival THOROUGHLY and will definitely be
going back tomorrow for the continuation. Can't wait.
beautiful pics. Thx for sharing the experience